Friday, April 19, 2013

Raspberry Oatmeal Smoothie

I called in sick yesterday. In order to prevent myself from working from home or worse, start cleaning my house when it doesn't really need cleaning, I am blogging so I can get some stinkin' rest! I'm a doer. And because I'm a doer, I found a great recipe for a Raspberry, Oatmeal, Yogurt Smoothie from Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom and got right off the recliner and made this smoothie. I revised it slightly cause I'm pretty specific about what I eat (ie: I'm allergic to banana's, I only eat plain greek yogurt, etc) and came up with these ingredients:

-1/2 cup ice
-1/2 cup frozen raspberries
-1/2 cup greek yogurt (plain)
-1 cup almond milk
-1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
-1/4 cup juice (I used -cranberry/lemonade cause that's all I had)
-2 tablespoons honey
-Stevia (all natural sweetener)
-homemade organic whipped cream

I blended it all together till I felt like the oatmeal would be broken down small enough (the original recipe calls for blending the oatmeal by itself first, then with just the liquids, but I forgot that step, haha).    At first I put in 1 tbsp of honey and no whipped cream, but it wasn't sweet enough. I doubled the honey and added the whipped cream and it tasted great! Since I'm allergic to bananas, I wanted to put some frozen pineapples in it, but I was out. I'm kind of glad I was out, because I probably would have added a ton of other ingredients and that would have defeated the whole point of making a raspberry oatmeal smoothie. This smoothie was delicious! I hate eating breakfast, so maybe this is a good alternative cause I do feel like breakfast is important! 

Thank you Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom for making my sick day a little more enjoyable! 
See her recipe here

Post smoothie, this is where you could find Ivy and I-- back on the recliner, resting. 

Aloha, Rebecca

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