Monday, January 23, 2012

Bag of Shapes and Fruit of the Spirit

Recently I've been a bit more aware of what Ivy is "learning" at home. She's 2 years old and for the most part stays at home. When I go to work, she is either with my husband, or goes next door to my parents' house and they watch her. Technically kids can start pre-school at age 2, but that's just not for us right now. So... I'm trying to "teach" her a thing or two at home.

About 6 months ago I started praying through the "Fruit of the Spirit" with her before bed. About a month ago, I started making her repeat after me: "Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control. Fruit-of-the-Spirit!" She can do the first four almost on her own.

For Christmas, I wanted to make Ivy a gift. Let me be more specific: an educational gift, haha. I wanted to sew the letters of the alphabet, but was running out of time. Even sewing numbers (0123456789) seemed like a little too much at the time. So I decided to do shapes. Oh, and I also made a cute bag for the shapes to go in. Here's how it turned out:

 notice how the circle has circles on it and the square has squares on it... :)
and the heart has tiny tiny hearts on it (in between the birds)

I used felt, fabric, buttons and elastic. 



  1. You should make some for Esty....They really are sweet.

  2. Very Cute! B loves her sign and can't wait to get it hung in her new room! {HUGS}


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